
John Francis Clare M.ISRM
“I have at my side the first edition of this informative book of wisdom, and can only congratulate Richard on this new and revised edition, 900 pages of professionally detailed information, which will become instrumental to our future understanding of how this industry should be operated. In this revised edition, Richard has given us a very detailed and comprehensive view of the industry, with an insight into the real world of close protection, documented by a thorough practitioner, who has shared his in-depth wealth of knowledge and experience, and shared it globally in an effort to improve the standards of this sector with fellow professionals, who will only improve their own performance with a better understanding of the role and the responsibilities, delivered with a higher level of operational effectiveness while on assignments, and will only improve the methodology, security, safety and due diligence with the provision of close personal protection for our clients. With my 25 years of experience operating in this sector, and having read the full book, I know that I will have an even better in-depth understanding from the experience that Richard has shared, and that will only make me better at what I do.”

"No one has done more to increase our understanding of close protection than Richard J. Aitch. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the discipline and situates it into the wider security context, thanks to critical analysis and professional experience of its author. Well organised, formatted and containing a rich selection of good quality graphs, tables, figures and case study, this is a rare book which clearly distinguishes itself from its competitors. A must read for close protection officers, operations managers and security managers. Well done!"

John Smith
"Wow received this book as a gift for my birthday from the Mrs. I'm hoping to do my CP license next year and this book is going to greatly improve my theoretical knowledge. Its a pricey book but when you consider the amount for work that has gone into producing it I'd say its price is well justified. I'm a few chapters in, taking my time to try to understand the information as fully as possible before moving on. This isn't a book for 'skim' reading. However, thanks to the authors modest and interesting stories the delivery of information is well received as opposed to what could have been an impossibly 'heavy' read. I would recommend this book to anyone with a serious reason for purchasing."

Heather MonDee
"The book is fantastic! I am not done reading it yet (in between assignments), but much appreciation so far."

"Richard, May I first take this opportunity to congratulate and thank you for your book, which can only be described as a tour de force, superb!"

John O Gorman
"This is the bible for our trade and the content is relative to operating in any location. From whatever background or skill set you have this book is a must for improving your skills and raising standards. If half the operatives doing the job around the world hotspots gave this book a read the standard bar would be raised."

Tom Harris
"Sir, I have read your book and I must say it is truly the best, no BS book! Love the book, respect your attitude. If you ever run a training course please let me know as I feel I can learn lots from you."

Michael Morgan
"Can't think of a better time to be reading "the book" than being sat here on nights at the British Embassy in Libya. Only started last night and up to Chapter 6. So far, a great read, but also reiterates how complacent the FCO is, despite the information us CPO's pass on regarding the threat. Goes to show the difficulties faced by CP on operations when the client and provider aren't singing off the same song sheet. Thumbs up to the book though."

Mark Allen
"Just finished the book. Can't fault it at all, to be fair didn't think I would, but I did try! Cracking, Best book on the market. NUMBER ONE! Anyone who hasn't got a copy, I urge you, no, I IMPLORE you to get one."

Mick Bullivant
“Had the book a few months and use it on the FCO Contract in Baghdad to standardise my team skills and drills. All my team members have different standards of training and experience and of course training providers. This book is laid out in a logical progressive way that is easy to read. I have other books relating to this subject and this is head and shoulders above.”

Bryson Keenan
"As a security professional with 30+ years’ experience in complex and hostile environments, within both the public and private sectors, I relished the opportunity to review ‘Close Protection, A closer Observation of the Protection Equation’ by Richard Aitch. The author is a highly regarded protection professional, with extensive military, government and commercial Close Protection (CP) experience. This includes (but is not limited to) protection tasks for high-level military officers, government officials, celebrities, business leaders and dignitaries. An initial browse of the Table of Contents tells the reader that this work cuts no corners. It is a master text, covering the A to Z of the craft, from broad security risk management concepts down to individual skills for CP team members. Technical information is backed up by ‘lessons learned’ from the author’s vast experience. It is more than a text to be referred to from time to time. It is a manual that should inform training and operational doctrine across the close protection spectrum."

Manuel Amaral
"This book is well worth it. We spend more than this at your Doctors. Why not spend this much for you and your client. Could save your butt."

Alexandre Vaz
"Superbly written, with a clear and practical approach I would recommend it to any professional that wants to proceed to the 'next level'. It demands a careful reading and open mindset in order to integrate the new knowledge's in your routine, but that is the only way to evolve - Hard Work! Congratulations."

Mika Inha
"Mr Aitch, your book was hard-hitting pack full of information. I did enjoy reading it and it did impress me. I think it is one of the best CP book and it is full of information for all level experts. I have participated in many CP and CP related courses in and outside Finland and I also have many books in my private library. Yours is easily the first I can recommend for serious pros."

Johnny St-Lima
“I recommend it. Very comprehensive and an asset for interactions between physical security professionals and those in close protection. High quality document worth the money.”

Shaun West
“An absolute pleasure it is to review this book. Why it is a pleasure you may ask? Because from the moment you clasp your eyes on it you can see from the sheer size, volume and number of pages, you can tell that a huge amount of time, effort, and research that has gone into writing it. Don't get me wrong it is not a book to sit by the pool that you can slip into and get absorbed in because it is not designed to be that type of book. It is a manual that is designed to try and raise standards within the protection industry. You have to take your hat off to the amount of effort that has been put in here, whether you agree with everything or not Rich says, he has put himself out there and his passion for the craft is plain to see throughout the book. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone currently serving in or looking to enter the close protection industry!”

Sir Amiruddin Alauddin
"The book 'Close Protection' provides the most comprehensive and understandable insight in the world of Professional Modern Bodyguards. It was written to the point, relevant, in-depth and written by a consummate professional from within the industry who has worked at all levels and is more than qualified to tell it as it is.”

"I bought the book and have enjoyed reading through it. Found the book to be updated, informative and useful in todays world, rather than the older books on the market at the moment, who still put forward outdated methods. Not that there is anything wrong with the older methods, its just that they have evolved somewhat. Well done and I have recommended other operatives in this region to add it to their libraries as well."

Paul R
“Easily one of the most comprehensive books ever written on the subject, Richard has written a thoroughly detailed yet easy to understand book. It is undoubtedly destined to become something of a standard reference for those in the industry, new and experienced alike. 'Close Protection' is also a fine reference for anyone involved in the development of policy or drafting of Standard Operating Procedures, as well as a 'must read' for those seeking to further their trade knowledge in a constantly evolving industry.”

"I luckily managed to get your book (and what a size it is), before redeploying. I am already at page 318 within four days of reading and know for sure that I will have to re-read the book in its entirety to absorb as much as possible. Anyway I would like to thank you for- 1. Having the Brass to stand up and say what most of us think, but in an extremely professional manner. 2. Providing a source of information that does not centre around your ego or previous experiences. Too many are written like this and provide very little or no educational/ reference material for those that may of forgotten a thing or two, succumbed to bad habits, and for those that are entering the business. and 3. Just for writing a superb book, that I hope will indeed make people think more about how they operate and carry themselves within the industry. There's more I could go on to say but will stop here. Brilliant book so far, will definitely advise others to buy."

Richard Brazeau
"It is a must for any one that want to make a career. As a CP officer, it is well written easy to understand as I'm French Canadian, and the book is so inspiring. Now I know where I belong in the security industry. Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom and expertise to the world."

Ken Pennington
"I have had good reason to study a lot of material in this subject and without question this is the most professional product I have seen to date."

Gerrie Boshoff
“I received my book and will highly recommend this book to all the close protectors that wants to broaden their knowledge and skills in the industry. This is in my opinion the 'Bible' on the subject of close protection. This book is also a must for all the guys out there that think they know everything about the industry. Excellent book Richard Aitch!”

Andy Holmes
"Excellent book! A must have for anyone moving from PSD in Iraq and Afghanistan to EP in the private sector. The book covers all areas of protection from high threat to state side details."

Stuart H
"Upon reading the pre-release of this Close Protection Book I held high expectations of the content in reference to the quality of the contents and relevance to modern Close Protection Operations. I was not disappointed on both counts. Richard Aitch has delivered without doubt the most comprehensive book on the market based on his extensive experience in the Military, Government and commercial Close Protection arenas. Detailed accounts of operations and in depth studies of doctrine ensures readers new to Close Protection and experienced Operators alike will benefit. Subjects such as Reaction To Attack, Protective Driving and Counter Surveillance are skills not covered on the UK SIA course and the book has reference to these in detail. The author appears to have covered all the bases to help the reader become a more informed and professional operator. A valuable source of information and an interesting read for those involved in Close Protection and the wider security industry."

Andrew L
"I'm from Vancouver, BC Canada. I just wanted to say that I just received your book and that I've been unable to put it down for the last day or so. Your publication is by far the best on the market and I have no doubt I will thoroughly enjoy it. Thank you, and be safe."

"A colleague and friend of mine, with 32 years as a police officer, fellow firearms team member and police advanced/AP driving instructor, recently bought your book. Being the man he is, he went straight to the driving chapter. He told me yesterday that there was nothing whatsoever he could add to your prose - after twenty years as an instructor - well done. I will be having a copy in the near future."

Charles H Mousseau Jr
"Chapter 7 - What a eye opener on threat assessments wow Rich. During my college years studying intelligence & national security we had a course on threat assessments your chapter blows the class I had completely out of the water. A formula just for threat assessments right now by far the best chapter."

"Best book I own, I have been looking for a book like this since I started out in Close Protection. I have read many and none of them ever went into as much detail as The Close Protection Book. I still have not finished reading the book yet and not even half way there but so far it is so excellent! Thanks again for fast shipping Richard."

Paul F.
"Richard, I've just finished after 30 yrs in the police including firearms, CP and training. I ordered your book and have to say it is the most comprehensive one I have seen, and I fully endorse your comments about the SIA and the standard of CP operatives being turned out at the moment."

Geoff Bennett
"I am not a CP operative, but I would recommend this book to anyone who wishes to venture into this arena, its loaded with things you wouldn't have thought of, this is definitely the CP benchmark book, a must have."

Tony Blanco
"The hardcover of the book is good quality, containing 566 pages with 33 chapters and close to 1.7 kg weight. It is written in a professional manner, and all photos in the book are relevant to the topics where appropriate, accompanied with diagrams, illustrations or photographs. There are plenty of real cases in the book that are used as an example to explain the agenda. This book is something the industry Protection in the UK has needed for a long time and now I recommend this book to anyone working in the Close Protection Sector, anyone who is thinking of joining the industry, even potential customers looking to hire a bodyguard for the first time, because it will give them an idea of what to expect from their employees as Personal Protective Specialists. This book should be part of every collection of books of all Safety Operatives and Personal Protection Consultants. As a security professional, I was impressed by the content and the lessons taught by someone who is obviously at a higher level in their professional field."

Mark Collen
"I have been given a copy of the book recently, and I endorse the tactics and content. You won't be disappointed by the encouraging details that Richard describes as his time as a CPO. Highly recommend all CPO's read at least once, if not refresh your tactics every so often."

Paul Fisk
“I have bought the book and think it is now the best comprehensive book for the close protection industry. The SIA should now consider using it as their up to date reference book, as the one currently used (The modern bodyguard by Peter Consterdine) whilst covering all the main points is now looking dated as equipment, times and SOP's move on and evolve.“

“What a book, if there is one piece of equipment that I recommend to the unknowing client so they appreciate the details of the work done, this is it. Some may say that this could drop you in trouble, I say, 'shame on you for being an unprofessional fool', and Richard, good on you for bringing what should be a standard to the clients 'eyes'. Although we have communicated on a professional forum, I still wish to say that yourself and those pictured in the book are without doubt the finest team of guys that I have ever worked with, both Airborne, and RMP CPU in the civilian world. Good job, Airborne brother.”

Robin Barratt
“I don't normally endorse other people's books on my Wall, I get so many sent to me it's just impossible! But for all my CP colleagues around the world, this is undoubtedly the best book on the industry I have ever read, and the best out there to date, by a long, long way. Research is meticulous and engaging, his knowledge of the industry is unsurpassed, and I do like the author's open and honest approach. Everyone in the CP world should buy a copy and read it; and the industry will be infinitely better for it!”

Linda Langerak
“By far, this is the BEST book in my CP collection. All others pale in comparison. It is detailed, true to the job, easy to read, and understand. Very detailed and thorough. Cannot recommend it enough.”

Robert Alexander
“Just received my copy here in Ghana and what I have read so far is very instructive and the passion for excellence is very evident. Its a practitioner's book written by a practitioner and would make a great addition to any training curriculum. Thanks Richard for enriching our profession.”

“Hi Richard, Just thought I'd drop you a quick line as have just returned from my hols and finishing your book whilst reclined on my sun lounger. I have to say that I was quite simply astounded at the depth and levels of detail within your book and without question, seriously impressed. As an advocate of always wanting to learn, I approached your book with an open and receptive mind although half expecting there might be a few things I might potentially disagree with. Cover to cover - not a thing. Without question a critical reference tool for any and all operators within Close Protection, young blades and old lags, like myself, alike.”

Mike P
“This book really is a must have for anyone looking to work in the Close Protection Industry and for those already involved. It sets the bar high and is something that even the most seasoned of operators can learn from. It is written in great detail about every subject needed for Close Protection and, after taking away the Table of Contents Pages etc, has 33 chapters over 531 pages. And that's 531 pages of solid content. This isn't your typical 'look at me and all the celebrities I've worked with' type book. Every image or diagram is relevant to the page it is contained in. The author goes in to great detail to explain all aspects of what he writes about. This is without a doubt the best book I have read on the subject and is something that everyone in the security industry could benefit from owning!”

Mick Coup
“I've finally gotten around to having a look at my copy. In short, what I have read so far is simply superb - compared to similar titles on the market. There is absolutely no comparison whatsoever. Certainly the author has not simply decided to become an expert in a colossal and highly specialist subject, have an amateurish stab at it, and then attempt to persuade all and sundry that he's a market leader of legendary status, resting solely upon tall tales, dubious laurels, and incessant name dropping, like so many 'celebrity' personalities attempt. I haven't been able to give the book the comprehensive read it deserves yet - it is a substantial piece of work - but the chapter relating to unarmed combat is right on the money, and the candid opinions expressed regarding the Security Industry Authority debacle concerning the 'professional' training required to obtain a close protection licence are eye opening. To say I would recommend this book is an understatement.”

Scott Lewis
“Richard, Your book is extremely well done. I've read it, highlighted it, and I have to say it's well done. Thank you for sharing your insight and providing your vast experience on what really makes our profession so unique and valuable.”

Chris H
“I have literally just received my copy through the post and am pleased to say it really is a quality product which will take some time to read through. Having given some bits a quick look over I'm impressed with what I've read so far and the layout and information in the Chapters is exhaustive and impressive. This will be a reference book for many as there is so much information available.”

Rick Smith
“My go to reference book has been Peter C's The Modern Bodyguard for well over a decade. This takes that incredible material and similar publications, to a completely new level. This may sound like a bit of a minor point, but the inclusion of that simple bookmark shows the attention to detail and thought that Rich has put into this. I've read a couple of chapters so far and it really is worth the investment.”

Dougie Durrant
“A very good informative book, well worth the money. Will be promoting your book on our courses”.

John Hillman
“Richard, I would like to say awesome book and thank you for passing on your knowledge and lessons learnt, from what sounds like a fantastic career. I really enjoyed the read and no surprise to you the book filled in many gaps that were missed from my Close Protection course. Thank You.”

Gerry Hall
“Well Rich I’ve only just browsed through, but that is something to be very proud of. Quite superb in every respect, especially the layout and choice of paper. Will work my way through the book, I would like to buy two more copies to give to special friends.”

“Having extensive experience within the private security industry and military I must say that the background checks and extensive research the author Richard J Aitch has put down in this book is remarkable and second to none. When you start reading the table of contents it shows you the in-depth knowledge, experience and quality of the book. My personal comment is that it covers all aspects of protective security down to tactics for road crossings to break downs of operational planning. A book that will come to great use for anyone in their future deployments and overseas work, or out of pure interest in the fascinating world of close protection, a perfect compliment to your existing skills and knowledge. An excellent book that is well written and composed in a superb professional way.”

“Richard, Got busy and forgot to write, Finished your book, excellent read! This goes on the bookshelf next to my first edition Street Survival 3 book series. Thanks for taking the time to continue the fight for better standards in our industry.”

Mark Rowe
“The bulk of the book is not just a condemnation of the regulator - to sum up, he calls it ‘a travesty in the making’ that ‘churned out plastic clones of empty suits that were simply unfit for purpose’ - but a detailed and well-illustrated chapter by chapter description of the CP’s job, taking in threat assessment, planning, security of the principal’s residence and estate, unarmed combat training, communications, reconnaissance, and plenty on walking and travel - including tactical driving and getting in and out (embussing and debussing).”

“We have one here at SOS and will be using this book on course and for a pre-read for students, after we have read it all ourselves of course. First opinion is it blows the other books out of the water just on the actual content alone never mind the ethos or operational experience of the author. This book fits in perfectly with our ethos and the way we train our students, well done Rich and I'm sure some bulk orders will be coming your way very soon.”

David Bottomley
“Just finished reading it and what a book. I'm new to CP but have 20 years experience in security. It is an essential read to anyone in my position. I wish I had been able to read it before doing my course because it would of helped massively in understanding the reason behind certain elements of CP that I have only now been able to fully understand. I fully agree with comments in relation to the SIA and I think you are right to insist on them moving forward and raising the standards before CP goes the same way as Door Supervision. Highly Recommended, well worth the money.”

Martin Brown
"Cheers Rich, the book is great it's had me flicking through the pages and reading it since getting back home from a job tired and in need of rest, but no matter what else was going on I was riveted to the seat and eyes down, I'm going to add it to my website if that’s ok with you?"

Fredrik Alhbin
"Reading it from a Swedish, commercial CP, point of view the book has many essential facts that I can apply to my daily work. The commercial CP branch in Sweden is often limited by financial factors therefore the IBG and sometimes 2 BG /1 BG + driver setup is the most common scenario for us. Overall the view of security is looked upon with naivety (1 PM and 1 FM murdered unprotected in modern history) and that, of course, set the standard for CP. I agree with the author concerning the high level of service involved in Executive Protection and the extra challenges that brings. Thank you for killing of some really nasty old myths and for giving us some more realistic views of the profession."

Mike Stephen
"I found it very insightful and helped me more understand security procedures, security aspects and training for the security industry."

Mark Metcalfe
"An amazing insight in to the real world of close protection. From the beginner to the seasoned professional it will teach you many things to enhance your future capabilities I'm sure."

Michael P
"This book really is a must have for anyone looking to work in the Close Protection Industry and for those already involved. It sets the bar high and is something that even the most seasoned of operators can learn from. It is written in great detail about every subject needed for Close Protection and, after taking away the Table of Contents Pages etc, has 33 chapters over 531 pages. And that's 531 pages of solid content. This isn't your typical 'look at me and all the celebrities I've worked with' type book. Every image or diagram is relevant to the page it is contained in. The author goes in to great detail to explain all aspects of what he writes about. This is without a doubt the best book I have read on the subject and is something that everyone in the security industry could benefit from owning!"

"I bought this book as a present for my husband, and felt like I had lost him for a week as he got so engrossed in this book he ignored me the whole time. He was extremely happy and would recommend this book to anyone interested in Close Protection."

"I waited in great anticipation for the release of this book which was well worth waiting for. It is quite clear to anyone who has read this book, that it is the most comprehensive on the market regarding Close Protection. Richard's experience comes across strongly as he goes into detail of every aspect related to Close Protection operations and more so than any other book. The outstanding content is matched by the images used and a little story of the daily life of an experienced operative here and there is very helpful in picturing the point that Richard is making. As I aspire to work in this field, this book has not only taught me the ins and outs of Close Protection but has set a professional benchmark of knowledge in which I know I must achieve in order to successfully embark on my chosen career. I would certainly recommend this publication to anyone in the security industry and I intend to use this book to help with my studies of the profession, as well as a reference book for operations."

David Buchanan
"I have been involved in close protection since 1986 in many theatres, I devoured Mr Aitch's book with much interest. I found it faultless in methodology and tactics! Money well spent! This is the current bible on close protection."

Lee Bradshaw
"A totally outstanding book which everyone connected with close protection should read & all of those who are going into the close protection world."

"Having just qualified as a CP Operative, I ordered this book from Richard in the hope that it would give me a real insight and further my knowledge of the CP World and how it should or shouldn't work. The book has given me above and beyond what I was expecting and I would recommend it to anyone. Written by a true professional at the top of his game, a brilliant read. Thank you Richard."

"This book is truly outstanding in its field and contains a massive amount of information for anybody interested in this area of work. My only request to the author is please put it in kindle format, this hefty piece of work takes up a lot of space in your baggage allowance, something which his consumer market will thank him for."

Cedric T.
"I've bought Richard's book and from the first page I have no regrets from buying it. The book is very rich and demonstrates the truth about the close protection. Above that, the book is even more complete than the basic close protection training requirements. For me, every professional working in the field should have this book, just from time to time to have a reminder. Bravo Richard."

"I got this book as I will be doing a SIA Close protection course sometime in 2013. This book does cost a lot of money but I feel it is worth it with the information available from the author. The author uses many examples from his Career and is still active. I have learned a lot from reading this book and I would recommend this book over any other bodyguard or close protection book. I have many books in my collection. Down side is the price but you get what you pay for, on the plus side my biceps are my bigger as the book weighs a ton."

Daniel Basabe
"I have worked as a close protection officer of politicians and judges in the Basque Country for 15 years and I have just done a CP course in Iraq with a British security company who use this book as a reference book. 'Close Protection: A Closer Observation of the Protection Equation' is an awesome book, that has been written by a person with many years of experience in the CP sector, well organized, and the material is relevant. A book I will use as a reference for many years to come. Thank you Richard."

"Having extensive experience within the private security industry and military I must say that the background checks and extensive research the author Richard J Aitch has put down in this book is remarkable and second to non. When start reading the table of contents it shows you the in depth knowledge, experience and quality of the book. My personal comment is that it covers all aspects of protective security down to tactics for road crossings to break downs of operational planning. A book that will come to great use for anyone in their future deployments and overseas work, or out of interest to the fascinating world of close protection, a perfect complement with you already existing skills and knowledge. Excellent book that is well written and composed is a superb professional way."

C Watts
"As with the Modern Bodyguard and the Bodyguards Bible I purchased this book to discover if there were any new techniques regards to Close Protection. I am happy to say this book has all the training procedures that are relevant to our industry especially if you are working in slightly more advanced CP. My company train primarily in weapons tactical and Hostile and can honestly state that this book contains correct techniques mingled in with real time stories (which make for a good read) I have read the book already and will read again when I have the time but for anyone wishing to prise themselves away from the SIA standard of training then, this is the book for you. Well done Richard for sharing your 20+ years of experience."

David Finch
"I have been in Protection for over 25 years, first in the military and then in private life. I have an entire library on Close Protection and they were all a waste of money. This is the book I have waited 25 years for, if you are a CPO or considering becoming one then this should be the 1st book you buy and read. Read it more than once. Richard has written the bible of the Close Protection Industry and I believe all training courses should be using it as there guide and Insisting you read it before taking any course. If you work as a CPO and you don't have this book I would ask why!"

Tony Welsh
"This book has been a real breath of fresh air. To the point, relevant, in-depth and written by a consummate professional from within the industry who has worked at all levels and is more than qualified to tell it as it is. Written for a vast, varied audience it is proving to be a manual for keeps rather than a read once and pass on, from those considering a career in the industry as a Close Protection Operative to the seasoned Consultant and Security Manager it is a must buy. It has been many years since I attended school and had to cover my text books in 'backing paper' but this book truly deserved the best fablon money can buy in order to ensure it stays coffee stain free and at hand for many years to come!"

Malclolm McNally
"This book provides a fascinating insight into the world of the 'Professional' Close Protection Officer. Although he doesn't say so himself, the author's fundamental argument is about providing the 'paying customer' with the reassurance of knowing their Bodyguard isn't going to falter or freeze when they are needed most. He argues you are more likely to get this level of reassurance by employing the services of CPO's who have previously served with the units he mentions. In doing so, he questions the motives and rational of the Security Industry Authority. But he is not saying that exceptional people only come from specialist units, rather that we live in a world that is driven by process and getting security right is about focusing on the needs of the paying customer. Relative to threats and risks, this is to do with enabling the customer to make informed choices which should be incumbent on both the SIA and individual security organisations."

"This book provides the most comprehensive and easily understandable insight in to the world of Close Protection, allowing the reader to appreciate that the image portrayed by the media of Bodyguards being no more than a walking six foot wall, could not be further from the truth. It is a guide into those wide and varying skills which makes up the trained Close Protection Officer (CPO) and Close Protection Team (CPT). Highlighting the attention to detail required when dealing with principals, their families, the press and many other differing scenarios and the planning which has to be taken by the CPT in every task they undertake. The author also gives the reader an analysis of the structure of the current Security Industry Authority and what this has done to the Security Industry. I strongly recommend this publication to, not only those involved in the industry, but to those looking into a possible career as a CPO."

"Having worked in the Security Industry for many years, I find this book has a great insight into close protection in the real world and can help not just the newbie in training but also a seasoned professional. Hopefully this book will raise standards and hopefully the SIA will finally realise that nothing is standard when it come to security and more so Close Protection Security. This book was a great read from a manager and trainers point of view and without doubt I highly recommend this book to anyone currently working in or looking to enter the close protection industry as clearly after reading this book your standards will be raised. As this book is SO HUGH and full of useful information that could be utilised everyday on the job or while attending your Close Protection training course, the sooner it is released for an iPad would mean that every could take it with them without having to physically carry the book around for reference."

Martin Gray
"This is a book that I heard about before its was due for sale. I pre ordered the book from Richard and it has been a great read. I have worked the the Close protection world in the military and private sectors. This book is a must for a insight and reminder not just covering basic level skills. But giving details for more advance planning that comes with larger CP and Security operations when a person or group have become a target. This book cover other areas in details that most book leave out and to a very good standard so the reader will have a better understanding. This will become a very good referance book for me. Thank you Richard for sharing you knowledge."

Ed Hollis
"This book was above and beyond anything that I could imagine in a book on Close Protection as many attempts in the past have been written by ex martial artists, training providers or others who have a financial stake as opposed to a genuine desire to see the Close Protection Industry be seen truly as a profession. This book is ideal for anyone who requires Close Protection and for anyone who desires to be a professional in Close Protection. Everyone can attend a Close Protection Course. But, attending a course does not make one a professional close protection operative. When you hire a Close Protection Operative you increase your risk profile by attracting a lot of wanted or unwanted attention. Don't wait until it's too late to read this book and implement the plan outlined in this book. In conclusion, I have no financial stake in this book or otherwise. I am someone who deeply cares about the Close Protection Industry and where we are truly headed."

"Anyone parting with £40 for a book will doubtless expect value for money. What they may not expect is to own a book that is a modern classic, and to describe the book as a definitive and classic manual of its kind is no overstatement. A man who has survived spending his adult life protecting VIPs from assassination has written a book that every nameless inner city teenager or senior citizen should read. An elite forces professional is explaining in calm and ordered detail how an average family on a resort holiday can avoid sitting on plastic chairs, describing to a tired official how their passports were stolen. If you follow Aitch's advice, then you receive insurance cover that money cannot buy: superior knowledge. With over 560 closely printed pages, you will become immersed in his world and be glad that he shares it with you. Richard Aitch places his reader as his top priority. In this book, we are each his VIP."

Wendy Walsh
Partner was very happy. Great buy. Definitely recommend.

"Highly Recommend."

Gary Dawson
"If you are in security, this book is a MUST HAVE."

Lynne Harper
"This was a present for my son who is a Marine, so he liked this very much. Not sure it is for the faint hearted, but good if you are involved with the military and want to advance into special forces."

John H
"I have just completed my CP course, joining the industry after 20 years in the Parachute Regiment. Brought this book because of a recommendation from a friend. Great advice, and well worth the buy. I have to say anyone who is looking to join the industry should buy this book. It explains dos and don't and how to conduct yourself around the Principal and within your CP Team. Richard Aitch obviously was at the top of his game. Each chapter is covered with In depth knowledge and lessons learnt. This book fills the gaps that wasn't covered on my Close Protection Course, I will use this book as a reference as there is so much info contained within. Shame it is not released in kindle form as the book is too big to carry around."

"Reading Richard Aitch's book "Close Protection" There are so many bad Close Protection courses out there, it's better if people pay £40 pounds and learn from Richard's book, they will gain more knowledge about Close Protection, the history, the tactics/techniques, security protocol, the roles and responsibilities of the Close Protection Officer, the laws etc. It's a fantastic book to read and learn from. I have come across a few Close protection officers who I have met, telling me that they did not even do one operation on their C.P training course. Some companies are charging over a £1000 and you learn nothing or they teach you wrong techniques. I highly recommend Richard's book Close Protection for every Close Protection officer or anyone in the security industry."

"Wow received this book as a gift for my birthday from the Mrs. I'm hoping to do my CP license next year and this book is going to greatly improve my theoretical knowledge. Its a pricey book but when you consider the amount for work that has gone into producing it I'd say its price is well justified. I'm a few chapters in, taking my time to try to understand the information as fully as possible before moving on. This isn't a book for 'skim' reading. However, thanks to the authors modest and interesting stories the delivery of information is well received as opposed to what could have been an impossibly 'heavy' read. I would recommend this book to anyone with a serious reason for purchasing."

"This book is heavy and heavy for a reason. It's packed full of the MOST in depth analysis of the world of Close Protection as it is today. This is the reason it's read by police, military, civilian and government protection units and their operators all over the world. Richard details everything in a comprehensive but easily understandable way which immediately kicks the thorough processes into gear, making for really enjoyable and interesting reading. Richard Aitch's world renowned work puts the SIA syllabus to shame. If you're serious about Close Protection, whether an inexperienced or experienced operative, I implore you to get this book and I can guarantee, which is quite worrying when you think about it, that you WILL find information, life saving information, that you will wonder, 'Why didn't the SIA course mention this. This is important!' I could say a lot more but people, well respected people in their fields, have already said it and given it the stars it deserves."

Alexander Clark
"This book is the real macoy. With a credible author it's the perfect textbook to the security industry, which we all know has its fair share of jokers. Its no replacement for a reputable Close protection course but helps you build on existing knowledge and bring in new ideas to help you mix it up a little."

"Superbly written, with a clear and practical approach I would recommend it to any professional that wants to proceed to the "next level". It demands a careful reading and open mindset in order to integrate the new knowledge's in your routine, but that is the only way to evolve - Hard Work! Congratulations."

R Anthony Kemmerlin Sr
"I have many excellent books on protection including Just 2 Seconds, Principal Protection; Lessons Learned, Dodging Bullets, Mortal Shield, Armored Men and Secrets of Street Survival - Israeli Style, just to name a few. 'Close Protection: A Closer Observation of the Protection Equation,' is by far the most prolific book on the market today. This will become my sole textbook for teaching new operators. Richard Aitch deserves international recognition for this Learned Treaty on Protection. It should be the source book for all instructors."

"Even though this book was not written by an American author, the information contained is relevant and well prepared. Every detail leader should encourage or require members to read this book. I have been assigned to an EP detail for 2 years, 14 years in LE (SWAT) and 10 years prior Navy SpecOps. This book is oustanding!"
John Francis Clare M.ISRM
“I have at my side the first edition of this informative book of wisdom, and can only congratulate Richard on this new and revised edition, 900 pages of professionally detailed information, which will become instrumental to our future understanding of how this industry should be operated.
In this revised edition, Richard has given us a very detailed and comprehensive view of the industry, with an insight into the real world of close protection, documented by a thorough practitioner, who has shared his in-depth wealth of knowledge and experience, and shared it globally in an effort to improve the standards of this sector with fellow professionals, who will only improve their own performance with a better understanding of the role and the responsibilities, delivered with a higher level of operational effectiveness while on assignments, and will only improve the methodology, security, safety and due diligence with the provision of close personal protection for our clients.
With my 25 years of experience operating in this sector, and having read the full book, I know that I will have an even better in-depth understanding from the experience that Richard has shared, and that will only make me better at what I do.”
“No one has done more to increase our understanding of close protection than Richard J. Aitch. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the discipline and situates it into the wider security context, thanks to critical analysis and professional experience of its author. Well organised, formatted and containing a rich selection of good quality graphs, tables, figures and case study, this is a rare book which clearly distinguishes itself from its competitors. A must read for close protection officers, operations managers and security managers. Well done!”
John Smith
“Wow received this book as a gift for my birthday from the Mrs. I’m hoping to do my CP license next year and this book is going to greatly improve my theoretical knowledge. Its a pricey book but when you consider the amount for work that has gone into producing it I’d say its price is well justified. I’m a few chapters in, taking my time to try to understand the information as fully as possible before moving on. This isn’t a book for ‘skim’ reading. However, thanks to the authors modest and interesting stories the delivery of information is well received as opposed to what could have been an impossibly ‘heavy’ read. I would recommend this book to anyone with a serious reason for purchasing.”
Heather MonDee
“The book is fantastic! I am not done reading it yet (in between assignments), but much appreciation so far.”
“Richard, May I first take this opportunity to congratulate and thank you for your book, which can only be described as a tour de force, superb!”
John O Gorman
“This is the bible for our trade and the content is relative to operating in any location. From whatever background or skill set you have this book is a must for improving your skills and raising standards. If half the operatives doing the job around the world hotspots gave this book a read the standard bar would be raised.”
Tom Harris
“Sir, I have read your book and I must say it is truly the best, no BS book! Love the book, respect your attitude. If you ever run a training course please let me know as I feel I can learn lots from you.”
Michael Morgan
“Can’t think of a better time to be reading “the book” than being sat here on nights at the British Embassy in Libya. Only started last night and up to Chapter 6. So far, a great read, but also reiterates how complacent the FCO is, despite the information us CPO’s pass on regarding the threat. Goes to show the difficulties faced by CP on operations when the client and provider aren’t singing off the same song sheet. Thumbs up to the book though.”
Mark Allen
“Just finished the book. Can’t fault it at all, to be fair didn’t think I would, but I did try! Cracking, Best book on the market. NUMBER ONE! Anyone who hasn’t got a copy, I urge you, no, I IMPLORE you to get one.”
Mick Bullivant
“Had the book a few months and use it on the FCO Contract in Baghdad to standardise my team skills and drills. All my team members have different standards of training and experience and of course training providers. This book is laid out in a logical progressive way that is easy to read. I have other books relating to this subject and this is head and shoulders above.”
Bryson Keenan
“As a security professional with 30+ years’ experience in complex and hostile environments, within both the public and private sectors, I relished the opportunity to review ‘Close Protection, A closer Observation of the Protection Equation’ by Richard Aitch. The author is a highly regarded protection professional, with extensive military, government and commercial Close Protection (CP) experience. This includes (but is not limited to) protection tasks for high-level military officers, government officials, celebrities, business leaders and dignitaries. An initial browse of the Table of Contents tells the reader that this work cuts no corners. It is a master text, covering the A to Z of the craft, from broad security risk management concepts down to individual skills for CP team members. Technical information is backed up by ‘lessons learned’ from the author’s vast experience. It is more than a text to be referred to from time to time. It is a manual that should inform training and operational doctrine across the close protection spectrum.”
Manuel Amaral
“This book is well worth it. We spend more than this at your Doctors. Why not spend this much for you and your client. Could save your butt.”
Alexandre Vaz
“Superbly written, with a clear and practical approach I would recommend it to any professional that wants to proceed to the ‘next level’. It demands a careful reading and open mindset in order to integrate the new knowledge’s in your routine, but that is the only way to evolve – Hard Work! Congratulations.”
Mika Inha
“Mr Aitch, your book was hard-hitting pack full of information. I did enjoy reading it and it did impress me. I think it is one of the best CP book and it is full of information for all level experts. I have participated in many CP and CP related courses in and outside Finland and I also have many books in my private library. Yours is easily the first I can recommend for serious pros.”
Johnny St-Lima
“I recommend it. Very comprehensive and an asset for interactions between physical security professionals and those in close protection. High quality document worth the money.”
Shaun West
“An absolute pleasure it is to review this book. Why it is a pleasure you may ask? Because from the moment you clasp your eyes on it you can see from the sheer size, volume and number of pages, you can tell that a huge amount of time, effort, and research that has gone into writing it. Don’t get me wrong it is not a book to sit by the pool that you can slip into and get absorbed in because it is not designed to be that type of book. It is a manual that is designed to try and raise standards within the protection industry. You have to take your hat off to the amount of effort that has been put in here, whether you agree with everything or not Rich says, he has put himself out there and his passion for the craft is plain to see throughout the book. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone currently serving in or looking to enter the close protection industry!”
Sir Amiruddin Alauddin
“The book ‘Close Protection’ provides the most comprehensive and understandable insight in the world of Professional Modern Bodyguards. It was written to the point, relevant, in-depth and written by a consummate professional from within the industry who has worked at all levels and is more than qualified to tell it as it is.”
“I bought the book and have enjoyed reading through it. Found the book to be updated, informative and useful in todays world, rather than the older books on the market at the moment, who still put forward outdated methods. Not that there is anything wrong with the older methods, its just that they have evolved somewhat. Well done and I have recommended other operatives in this region to add it to their libraries as well.”
Paul R
“Easily one of the most comprehensive books ever written on the subject, Richard has written a thoroughly detailed yet easy to understand book. It is undoubtedly destined to become something of a standard reference for those in the industry, new and experienced alike. ‘Close Protection’ is also a fine reference for anyone involved in the development of policy or drafting of Standard Operating Procedures, as well as a ‘must read’ for those seeking to further their trade knowledge in a constantly evolving industry.”
“I luckily managed to get your book (and what a size it is), before redeploying. I am already at page 318 within four days of reading and know for sure that I will have to re-read the book in its entirety to absorb as much as possible. Anyway I would like to thank you for- 1. Having the Brass to stand up and say what most of us think, but in an extremely professional manner. 2. Providing a source of information that does not centre around your ego or previous experiences. Too many are written like this and provide very little or no educational/ reference material for those that may of forgotten a thing or two, succumbed to bad habits, and for those that are entering the business. and 3. Just for writing a superb book, that I hope will indeed make people think more about how they operate and carry themselves within the industry. There’s more I could go on to say but will stop here. Brilliant book so far, will definitely advise others to buy.”
Richard Brazeau
“It is a must for any one that want to make a career. As a CP officer, it is well written easy to understand as I’m French Canadian, and the book is so inspiring. Now I know where I belong in the security industry. Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom and expertise to the world.”
Ken Pennington
“I have had good reason to study a lot of material in this subject and without question this is the most professional product I have seen to date.”
Gerrie Boshoff
“I received my book and will highly recommend this book to all the close protectors that wants to broaden their knowledge and skills in the industry. This is in my opinion the ‘Bible’ on the subject of close protection. This book is also a must for all the guys out there that think they know everything about the industry. Excellent book Richard Aitch!”
Andy Holmes
“Excellent book! A must have for anyone moving from PSD in Iraq and Afghanistan to EP in the private sector. The book covers all areas of protection from high threat to state side details.”
Stuart H
“Upon reading the pre-release of this Close Protection Book I held high expectations of the content in reference to the quality of the contents and relevance to modern Close Protection Operations. I was not disappointed on both counts. Richard Aitch has delivered without doubt the most comprehensive book on the market based on his extensive experience in the Military, Government and commercial Close Protection arenas. Detailed accounts of operations and in depth studies of doctrine ensures readers new to Close Protection and experienced Operators alike will benefit. Subjects such as Reaction To Attack, Protective Driving and Counter Surveillance are skills not covered on the UK SIA course and the book has reference to these in detail. The author appears to have covered all the bases to help the reader become a more informed and professional operator. A valuable source of information and an interesting read for those involved in Close Protection and the wider security industry.”
Andrew L
“I’m from Vancouver, BC Canada. I just wanted to say that I just received your book and that I’ve been unable to put it down for the last day or so. Your publication is by far the best on the market and I have no doubt I will thoroughly enjoy it. Thank you, and be safe.”
“A colleague and friend of mine, with 32 years as a police officer, fellow firearms team member and police advanced/AP driving instructor, recently bought your book. Being the man he is, he went straight to the driving chapter. He told me yesterday that there was nothing whatsoever he could add to your prose – after twenty years as an instructor – well done. I will be having a copy in the near future.”
Charles H Mousseau Jr
“Chapter 7 – What a eye opener on threat assessments wow Rich. During my college years studying intelligence & national security we had a course on threat assessments your chapter blows the class I had completely out of the water. A formula just for threat assessments right now by far the best chapter.”
“Best book I own, I have been looking for a book like this since I started out in Close Protection. I have read many and none of them ever went into as much detail as The Close Protection Book. I still have not finished reading the book yet and not even half way there but so far it is so excellent! Thanks again for fast shipping Richard.”
Paul F.
“Richard, I’ve just finished after 30 yrs in the police including firearms, CP and training. I ordered your book and have to say it is the most comprehensive one I have seen, and I fully endorse your comments about the SIA and the standard of CP operatives being turned out at the moment.”
Geoff Bennett
“I am not a CP operative, but I would recommend this book to anyone who wishes to venture into this arena, its loaded with things you wouldn’t have thought of, this is definitely the CP benchmark book, a must have.”
Tony Blanco
“The hardcover of the book is good quality, containing 566 pages with 33 chapters and close to 1.7 kg weight. It is written in a professional manner, and all photos in the book are relevant to the topics where appropriate, accompanied with diagrams, illustrations or photographs. There are plenty of real cases in the book that are used as an example to explain the agenda. This book is something the industry Protection in the UK has needed for a long time and now I recommend this book to anyone working in the Close Protection Sector, anyone who is thinking of joining the industry, even potential customers looking to hire a bodyguard for the first time, because it will give them an idea of what to expect from their employees as Personal Protective Specialists. This book should be part of every collection of books of all Safety Operatives and Personal Protection Consultants. As a security professional, I was impressed by the content and the lessons taught by someone who is obviously at a higher level in their professional field.”
Mark Collen
“I have been given a copy of the book recently, and I endorse the tactics and content. You won’t be disappointed by the encouraging details that Richard describes as his time as a CPO. Highly recommend all CPO’s read at least once, if not refresh your tactics every so often.”
Paul Fisk
“I have bought the book and think it is now the best comprehensive book for the close protection industry. The SIA should now consider using it as their up to date reference book, as the one currently used (The modern bodyguard by Peter Consterdine) whilst covering all the main points is now looking dated as equipment, times and SOP’s move on and evolve.“
“What a book, if there is one piece of equipment that I recommend to the unknowing client so they appreciate the details of the work done, this is it. Some may say that this could drop you in trouble, I say, ‘shame on you for being an unprofessional fool’, and Richard, good on you for bringing what should be a standard to the clients ‘eyes’. Although we have communicated on a professional forum, I still wish to say that yourself and those pictured in the book are without doubt the finest team of guys that I have ever worked with, both Airborne, and RMP CPU in the civilian world. Good job, Airborne brother.”
Robin Barratt
“I don’t normally endorse other people’s books on my Wall, I get so many sent to me it’s just impossible! But for all my CP colleagues around the world, this is undoubtedly the best book on the industry I have ever read, and the best out there to date, by a long, long way. Research is meticulous and engaging, his knowledge of the industry is unsurpassed, and I do like the author’s open and honest approach. Everyone in the CP world should buy a copy and read it; and the industry will be infinitely better for it!”
Linda Langerak
“By far, this is the BEST book in my CP collection. All others pale in comparison. It is detailed, true to the job, easy to read, and understand. Very detailed and thorough. Cannot recommend it enough.”
Robert Alexander
“Just received my copy here in Ghana and what I have read so far is very instructive and the passion for excellence is very evident. Its a practitioner’s book written by a practitioner and would make a great addition to any training curriculum. Thanks Richard for enriching our profession.”
“Hi Richard, Just thought I’d drop you a quick line as have just returned from my hols and finishing your book whilst reclined on my sun lounger. I have to say that I was quite simply astounded at the depth and levels of detail within your book and without question, seriously impressed. As an advocate of always wanting to learn, I approached your book with an open and receptive mind although half expecting there might be a few things I might potentially disagree with. Cover to cover – not a thing. Without question a critical reference tool for any and all operators within Close Protection, young blades and old lags, like myself, alike.”
Mike P
“This book really is a must have for anyone looking to work in the Close Protection Industry and for those already involved. It sets the bar high and is something that even the most seasoned of operators can learn from. It is written in great detail about every subject needed for Close Protection and, after taking away the Table of Contents Pages etc, has 33 chapters over 531 pages. And that’s 531 pages of solid content. This isn’t your typical ‘look at me and all the celebrities I’ve worked with’ type book. Every image or diagram is relevant to the page it is contained in. The author goes in to great detail to explain all aspects of what he writes about. This is without a doubt the best book I have read on the subject and is something that everyone in the security industry could benefit from owning!”
Mick Coup
“I’ve finally gotten around to having a look at my copy. In short, what I have read so far is simply superb – compared to similar titles on the market. There is absolutely no comparison whatsoever. Certainly the author has not simply decided to become an expert in a colossal and highly specialist subject, have an amateurish stab at it, and then attempt to persuade all and sundry that he’s a market leader of legendary status, resting solely upon tall tales, dubious laurels, and incessant name dropping, like so many ‘celebrity’ personalities attempt. I haven’t been able to give the book the comprehensive read it deserves yet – it is a substantial piece of work – but the chapter relating to unarmed combat is right on the money, and the candid opinions expressed regarding the Security Industry Authority debacle concerning the ‘professional’ training required to obtain a close protection licence are eye opening. To say I would recommend this book is an understatement.”
Scott Lewis
“Richard, Your book is extremely well done. I’ve read it, highlighted it, and I have to say it’s well done. Thank you for sharing your insight and providing your vast experience on what really makes our profession so unique and valuable.”
Chris H
“I have literally just received my copy through the post and am pleased to say it really is a quality product which will take some time to read through. Having given some bits a quick look over I’m impressed with what I’ve read so far and the layout and information in the Chapters is exhaustive and impressive. This will be a reference book for many as there is so much information available.”
Rick Smith
“My go to reference book has been Peter C’s The Modern Bodyguard for well over a decade. This takes that incredible material and similar publications, to a completely new level. This may sound like a bit of a minor point, but the inclusion of that simple bookmark shows the attention to detail and thought that Rich has put into this. I’ve read a couple of chapters so far and it really is worth the investment.”
Dougie Durrant
“A very good informative book, well worth the money. Will be promoting your book on our courses”.
John Hillman
“Richard, I would like to say awesome book and thank you for passing on your knowledge and lessons learnt, from what sounds like a fantastic career. I really enjoyed the read and no surprise to you the book filled in many gaps that were missed from my Close Protection course. Thank You.”
Gerry Hall
“Well Rich I’ve only just browsed through, but that is something to be very proud of. Quite superb in every respect, especially the layout and choice of paper. Will work my way through the book, I would like to buy two more copies to give to special friends.”
“Having extensive experience within the private security industry and military I must say that the background checks and extensive research the author Richard J Aitch has put down in this book is remarkable and second to none. When you start reading the table of contents it shows you the in-depth knowledge, experience and quality of the book. My personal comment is that it covers all aspects of protective security down to tactics for road crossings to break downs of operational planning. A book that will come to great use for anyone in their future deployments and overseas work, or out of pure interest in the fascinating world of close protection, a perfect compliment to your existing skills and knowledge. An excellent book that is well written and composed in a superb professional way.”
“Richard, Got busy and forgot to write, Finished your book, excellent read! This goes on the bookshelf next to my first edition Street Survival 3 book series. Thanks for taking the time to continue the fight for better standards in our industry.”
Mark Rowe
“The bulk of the book is not just a condemnation of the regulator – to sum up, he calls it ‘a travesty in the making’ that ‘churned out plastic clones of empty suits that were simply unfit for purpose’ – but a detailed and well-illustrated chapter by chapter description of the CP’s job, taking in threat assessment, planning, security of the principal’s residence and estate, unarmed combat training, communications, reconnaissance, and plenty on walking and travel – including tactical driving and getting in and out (embussing and debussing).”
“We have one here at SOS and will be using this book on course and for a pre-read for students, after we have read it all ourselves of course. First opinion is it blows the other books out of the water just on the actual content alone never mind the ethos or operational experience of the author. This book fits in perfectly with our ethos and the way we train our students, well done Rich and I’m sure some bulk orders will be coming your way very soon.”
David Bottomley
“Just finished reading it and what a book. I’m new to CP but have 20 years experience in security. It is an essential read to anyone in my position. I wish I had been able to read it before doing my course because it would of helped massively in understanding the reason behind certain elements of CP that I have only now been able to fully understand. I fully agree with comments in relation to the SIA and I think you are right to insist on them moving forward and raising the standards before CP goes the same way as Door Supervision. Highly Recommended, well worth the money.”
Martin Brown
“Cheers Rich, the book is great it’s had me flicking through the pages and reading it since getting back home from a job tired and in need of rest, but no matter what else was going on I was riveted to the seat and eyes down, I’m going to add it to my website if that’s ok with you?”
Fredrik Alhbin
“Reading it from a Swedish, commercial CP, point of view the book has many essential facts that I can apply to my daily work. The commercial CP branch in Sweden is often limited by financial factors therefore the IBG and sometimes 2 BG /1 BG + driver setup is the most common scenario for us. Overall the view of security is looked upon with naivety (1 PM and 1 FM murdered unprotected in modern history) and that, of course, set the standard for CP. I agree with the author concerning the high level of service involved in Executive Protection and the extra challenges that brings. Thank you for killing of some really nasty old myths and for giving us some more realistic views of the profession.”
Mike Stephen
“I found it very insightful and helped me more understand security procedures, security aspects and training for the security industry.”
Mark Metcalfe
“An amazing insight in to the real world of close protection. From the beginner to the seasoned professional it will teach you many things to enhance your future capabilities I’m sure.”
Michael P
“This book really is a must have for anyone looking to work in the Close Protection Industry and for those already involved. It sets the bar high and is something that even the most seasoned of operators can learn from. It is written in great detail about every subject needed for Close Protection and, after taking away the Table of Contents Pages etc, has 33 chapters over 531 pages. And that’s 531 pages of solid content. This isn’t your typical ‘look at me and all the celebrities I’ve worked with’ type book. Every image or diagram is relevant to the page it is contained in. The author goes in to great detail to explain all aspects of what he writes about. This is without a doubt the best book I have read on the subject and is something that everyone in the security industry could benefit from owning!”
“I bought this book as a present for my husband, and felt like I had lost him for a week as he got so engrossed in this book he ignored me the whole time. He was extremely happy and would recommend this book to anyone interested in Close Protection.”
“I waited in great anticipation for the release of this book which was well worth waiting for. It is quite clear to anyone who has read this book, that it is the most comprehensive on the market regarding Close Protection. Richard’s experience comes across strongly as he goes into detail of every aspect related to Close Protection operations and more so than any other book. The outstanding content is matched by the images used and a little story of the daily life of an experienced operative here and there is very helpful in picturing the point that Richard is making. As I aspire to work in this field, this book has not only taught me the ins and outs of Close Protection but has set a professional benchmark of knowledge in which I know I must achieve in order to successfully embark on my chosen career. I would certainly recommend this publication to anyone in the security industry and I intend to use this book to help with my studies of the profession, as well as a reference book for operations.”
David Buchanan
“I have been involved in close protection since 1986 in many theatres, I devoured Mr Aitch’s book with much interest. I found it faultless in methodology and tactics! Money well spent! This is the current bible on close protection.”
Lee Bradshaw
“A totally outstanding book which everyone connected with close protection should read & all of those who are going into the close protection world.”
“Having just qualified as a CP Operative, I ordered this book from Richard in the hope that it would give me a real insight and further my knowledge of the CP World and how it should or shouldn’t work. The book has given me above and beyond what I was expecting and I would recommend it to anyone. Written by a true professional at the top of his game, a brilliant read. Thank you Richard.”
“This book is truly outstanding in its field and contains a massive amount of information for anybody interested in this area of work. My only request to the author is please put it in kindle format, this hefty piece of work takes up a lot of space in your baggage allowance, something which his consumer market will thank him for.”
Cedric T.
“I’ve bought Richard’s book and from the first page I have no regrets from buying it. The book is very rich and demonstrates the truth about the close protection. Above that, the book is even more complete than the basic close protection training requirements. For me, every professional working in the field should have this book, just from time to time to have a reminder. Bravo Richard.”
“I got this book as I will be doing a SIA Close protection course sometime in 2013. This book does cost a lot of money but I feel it is worth it with the information available from the author. The author uses many examples from his Career and is still active. I have learned a lot from reading this book and I would recommend this book over any other bodyguard or close protection book. I have many books in my collection. Down side is the price but you get what you pay for, on the plus side my biceps are my bigger as the book weighs a ton.”
Daniel Basabe
“I have worked as a close protection officer of politicians and judges in the Basque Country for 15 years and I have just done a CP course in Iraq with a British security company who use this book as a reference book. ‘Close Protection: A Closer Observation of the Protection Equation’ is an awesome book, that has been written by a person with many years of experience in the CP sector, well organized, and the material is relevant. A book I will use as a reference for many years to come. Thank you Richard.”
“Having extensive experience within the private security industry and military I must say that the background checks and extensive research the author Richard J Aitch has put down in this book is remarkable and second to non. When start reading the table of contents it shows you the in depth knowledge, experience and quality of the book. My personal comment is that it covers all aspects of protective security down to tactics for road crossings to break downs of operational planning. A book that will come to great use for anyone in their future deployments and overseas work, or out of interest to the fascinating world of close protection, a perfect complement with you already existing skills and knowledge. Excellent book that is well written and composed is a superb professional way.”
C Watts
“As with the Modern Bodyguard and the Bodyguards Bible I purchased this book to discover if there were any new techniques regards to Close Protection. I am happy to say this book has all the training procedures that are relevant to our industry especially if you are working in slightly more advanced CP. My company train primarily in weapons tactical and Hostile and can honestly state that this book contains correct techniques mingled in with real time stories (which make for a good read) I have read the book already and will read again when I have the time but for anyone wishing to prise themselves away from the SIA standard of training then, this is the book for you. Well done Richard for sharing your 20+ years of experience.”
David Finch
“I have been in Protection for over 25 years, first in the military and then in private life. I have an entire library on Close Protection and they were all a waste of money. This is the book I have waited 25 years for, if you are a CPO or considering becoming one then this should be the 1st book you buy and read. Read it more than once. Richard has written the bible of the Close Protection Industry and I believe all training courses should be using it as there guide and Insisting you read it before taking any course. If you work as a CPO and you don’t have this book I would ask why!”
Tony Welsh
“This book has been a real breath of fresh air. To the point, relevant, in-depth and written by a consummate professional from within the industry who has worked at all levels and is more than qualified to tell it as it is. Written for a vast, varied audience it is proving to be a manual for keeps rather than a read once and pass on, from those considering a career in the industry as a Close Protection Operative to the seasoned Consultant and Security Manager it is a must buy. It has been many years since I attended school and had to cover my text books in ‘backing paper’ but this book truly deserved the best fablon money can buy in order to ensure it stays coffee stain free and at hand for many years to come!”
Malclolm McNally
“This book provides a fascinating insight into the world of the ‘Professional’ Close Protection Officer. Although he doesn’t say so himself, the author’s fundamental argument is about providing the ‘paying customer’ with the reassurance of knowing their Bodyguard isn’t going to falter or freeze when they are needed most. He argues you are more likely to get this level of reassurance by employing the services of CPO’s who have previously served with the units he mentions. In doing so, he questions the motives and rational of the Security Industry Authority. But he is not saying that exceptional people only come from specialist units, rather that we live in a world that is driven by process and getting security right is about focusing on the needs of the paying customer. Relative to threats and risks, this is to do with enabling the customer to make informed choices which should be incumbent on both the SIA and individual security organisations.”
“This book provides the most comprehensive and easily understandable insight in to the world of Close Protection, allowing the reader to appreciate that the image portrayed by the media of Bodyguards being no more than a walking six foot wall, could not be further from the truth. It is a guide into those wide and varying skills which makes up the trained Close Protection Officer (CPO) and Close Protection Team (CPT). Highlighting the attention to detail required when dealing with principals, their families, the press and many other differing scenarios and the planning which has to be taken by the CPT in every task they undertake. The author also gives the reader an analysis of the structure of the current Security Industry Authority and what this has done to the Security Industry. I strongly recommend this publication to, not only those involved in the industry, but to those looking into a possible career as a CPO.”
“Having worked in the Security Industry for many years, I find this book has a great insight into close protection in the real world and can help not just the newbie in training but also a seasoned professional. Hopefully this book will raise standards and hopefully the SIA will finally realise that nothing is standard when it come to security and more so Close Protection Security. This book was a great read from a manager and trainers point of view and without doubt I highly recommend this book to anyone currently working in or looking to enter the close protection industry as clearly after reading this book your standards will be raised. As this book is SO HUGH and full of useful information that could be utilised everyday on the job or while attending your Close Protection training course, the sooner it is released for an iPad would mean that every could take it with them without having to physically carry the book around for reference.”
Martin Gray
“This is a book that I heard about before its was due for sale. I pre ordered the book from Richard and it has been a great read. I have worked the the Close protection world in the military and private sectors. This book is a must for a insight and reminder not just covering basic level skills. But giving details for more advance planning that comes with larger CP and Security operations when a person or group have become a target. This book cover other areas in details that most book leave out and to a very good standard so the reader will have a better understanding. This will become a very good referance book for me. Thank you Richard for sharing you knowledge.”
Ed Hollis
“This book was above and beyond anything that I could imagine in a book on Close Protection as many attempts in the past have been written by ex martial artists, training providers or others who have a financial stake as opposed to a genuine desire to see the Close Protection Industry be seen truly as a profession. This book is ideal for anyone who requires Close Protection and for anyone who desires to be a professional in Close Protection. Everyone can attend a Close Protection Course. But, attending a course does not make one a professional close protection operative. When you hire a Close Protection Operative you increase your risk profile by attracting a lot of wanted or unwanted attention. Don’t wait until it’s too late to read this book and implement the plan outlined in this book. In conclusion, I have no financial stake in this book or otherwise. I am someone who deeply cares about the Close Protection Industry and where we are truly headed.”
“Anyone parting with £40 for a book will doubtless expect value for money. What they may not expect is to own a book that is a modern classic, and to describe the book as a definitive and classic manual of its kind is no overstatement. A man who has survived spending his adult life protecting VIPs from assassination has written a book that every nameless inner city teenager or senior citizen should read. An elite forces professional is explaining in calm and ordered detail how an average family on a resort holiday can avoid sitting on plastic chairs, describing to a tired official how their passports were stolen. If you follow Aitch’s advice, then you receive insurance cover that money cannot buy: superior knowledge. With over 560 closely printed pages, you will become immersed in his world and be glad that he shares it with you. Richard Aitch places his reader as his top priority. In this book, we are each his VIP.”
Wendy Walsh
Partner was very happy. Great buy. Definitely recommend.
“Highly Recommend.”
Gary Dawson
“If you are in security, this book is a MUST HAVE.”
Lynne Harper
“This was a present for my son who is a Marine, so he liked this very much. Not sure it is for the faint hearted, but good if you are involved with the military and want to advance into special forces.”
John H
“I have just completed my CP course, joining the industry after 20 years in the Parachute Regiment. Brought this book because of a recommendation from a friend. Great advice, and well worth the buy. I have to say anyone who is looking to join the industry should buy this book. It explains dos and don’t and how to conduct yourself around the Principal and within your CP Team. Richard Aitch obviously was at the top of his game. Each chapter is covered with In depth knowledge and lessons learnt. This book fills the gaps that wasn’t covered on my Close Protection Course, I will use this book as a reference as there is so much info contained within. Shame it is not released in kindle form as the book is too big to carry around.”
“Reading Richard Aitch’s book “Close Protection” There are so many bad Close Protection courses out there, it’s better if people pay £40 pounds and learn from Richard’s book, they will gain more knowledge about Close Protection, the history, the tactics/techniques, security protocol, the roles and responsibilities of the Close Protection Officer, the laws etc. It’s a fantastic book to read and learn from. I have come across a few Close protection officers who I have met, telling me that they did not even do one operation on their C.P training course. Some companies are charging over a £1000 and you learn nothing or they teach you wrong techniques. I highly recommend Richard’s book Close Protection for every Close Protection officer or anyone in the security industry.”
“Wow received this book as a gift for my birthday from the Mrs. I’m hoping to do my CP license next year and this book is going to greatly improve my theoretical knowledge. Its a pricey book but when you consider the amount for work that has gone into producing it I’d say its price is well justified. I’m a few chapters in, taking my time to try to understand the information as fully as possible before moving on. This isn’t a book for ‘skim’ reading. However, thanks to the authors modest and interesting stories the delivery of information is well received as opposed to what could have been an impossibly ‘heavy’ read. I would recommend this book to anyone with a serious reason for purchasing.”
“This book is heavy and heavy for a reason. It’s packed full of the MOST in depth analysis of the world of Close Protection as it is today. This is the reason it’s read by police, military, civilian and government protection units and their operators all over the world. Richard details everything in a comprehensive but easily understandable way which immediately kicks the thorough processes into gear, making for really enjoyable and interesting reading. Richard Aitch’s world renowned work puts the SIA syllabus to shame. If you’re serious about Close Protection, whether an inexperienced or experienced operative, I implore you to get this book and I can guarantee, which is quite worrying when you think about it, that you WILL find information, life saving information, that you will wonder, ‘Why didn’t the SIA course mention this. This is important!’ I could say a lot more but people, well respected people in their fields, have already said it and given it the stars it deserves.”
Alexander Clark
“This book is the real macoy. With a credible author it’s the perfect textbook to the security industry, which we all know has its fair share of jokers. Its no replacement for a reputable Close protection course but helps you build on existing knowledge and bring in new ideas to help you mix it up a little.”
“Superbly written, with a clear and practical approach I would recommend it to any professional that wants to proceed to the “next level”. It demands a careful reading and open mindset in order to integrate the new knowledge’s in your routine, but that is the only way to evolve – Hard Work! Congratulations.”
R Anthony Kemmerlin Sr
“I have many excellent books on protection including Just 2 Seconds, Principal Protection; Lessons Learned, Dodging Bullets, Mortal Shield, Armored Men and Secrets of Street Survival – Israeli Style, just to name a few. ‘Close Protection: A Closer Observation of the Protection Equation,’ is by far the most prolific book on the market today. This will become my sole textbook for teaching new operators. Richard Aitch deserves international recognition for this Learned Treaty on Protection. It should be the source book for all instructors.”
“Even though this book was not written by an American author, the information contained is relevant and well prepared. Every detail leader should encourage or require members to read this book. I have been assigned to an EP detail for 2 years, 14 years in LE (SWAT) and 10 years prior Navy SpecOps. This book is oustanding!”